The Calmest Revolution Ever Staged
Accessible Acupuncture is proud to be a part of a healthcare revolution and help bring Community Acupuncture to Orlando!
This revolution was pioneered by two acupuncturists in Portland, Oregon who refused to blindly accept the status quo of the acupuncture profession that neglected those in the working class neighborhoods they came from and the working class neighborhoods they lived in. Not only did they muster up the courage to question the prevalent model of practicing acupuncture, but the courage to do something about it in a way that made acupuncture more accessible and more effective for the vast majority of people. They appropriately called their clinic Working Class Acupuncture and now have 4 clinics in Portland providing well over 500 acupuncture treatments per week.
In a nutshell, they started treating their neighbors in a way that enabled them to afford regular acupuncture, with multiple patients receiving care in the same quiet, soothing space, relaxing in comfortable recliners, each paying what they felt they could afford on a sliding scale of $15 to $35 per person without income verification. One of the acupuncturists, Lisa Rohleder, started writing articles about their endeavors in one of the acupuncture trade publications (Acupuncture Today). As you can probably imagine, her articles created quite a stir in the publication's online forums and the acupuncture community. She wrote 6 articles over the course of about 15 months before the publication informed her that they were no longer publishing her column as it was "dangerous to the profession". Yep - finding a way to make acupuncture more accessible and more effective for the vast majority of folks and then trying to share it with others so they could replicate it in their communities was labeled as "dangerous to the profession".
Yeah, we find that thinking to be disturbing also, but the good news is that despite the establishment's attempt to stunt the growing interest in her radical ideas, it was simply too late. By the time Lisa's last article was published she had ignited interest in the hearts of many like-minded and like-hearted acupuncturists across the country who were also dissatisfied with the status quo and who also believed that the value of the profession should not be measured by how much money patients are charged for services, but by the number of people who actually have access to acupuncture.
Since then, Community Acupuncture has spread like wildfire with over 200 independently owned clinics opening across the United States and abroad thriving in urban, suburban and rural areas alike. In fact, Community Acupuncture has become such an incredible phenomenon that some folks thought it was worthy of a documentary entitled Community Acupuncture: The Calmest Revolution Ever Staged and we've posted it here for your convenience.
Why is it referred to as "The Calmest Revolution Ever Staged" ?
Although a revolution usually refers to a radical and pervasive change in society made suddenly, and often accompanied by violence, this is not what we're about. At least not the violence part. Instead of bearing arms against others, we prefer to put others to sleep! We say this since most folks tend to experience a calming effect while receiving acupuncture and many even find themselves taking a very therapeutic nap, or 'acunap', while relaxing in a recliner. In addition, by receiving acupuncture at a local community acupuncture clinic operating as a social business like ours does, folks are actively participating in and supporting the revolution all while taking a nap. Thus, The Calmest Revolution Ever Staged.
Seriously? A revolution? It seems as if you're being overly dramatic here.
What does acupuncture have to do with revolution?
That's a VERY good question! I think it's best to let the aforementioned Lisa Rohleder answer that one.
Yes. It absolutely does!